Top 100 predicted "noncomplex" images from all category 0.0 Average score: 0.006445298437029123 0.005478284787386656 a object on a sandy object flying a object . 0.00729219987988472 a object that is flying a object in the object . 0.007210597395896912 a object on a object flying a object in the object . 0.006341423373669386 a altered object of a object flying a object on a object . 0.005903986748307943 object object of object flying a object on the object 0.0 Average score: 0.007450998201966286 0.007395309861749411 object flying in the object with no object . 0.006472363602370024 a object object that is flying in the object . 0.004238116554915905 a white and black object object flying in a hazy object . 0.007730679586529732 a large object flying in a object object . 0.011418521404266357 a little object flying across a object object 0.0 Average score: 0.007550159189850092 0.008824110962450504 objects on a object at object flying objects . 0.006140262819826603 objects under a object object flying a object 0.00866133626550436 a object of objects stand on a dark object flying a object . 0.007110422011464834 objects on a object at object flying objects in the object . 0.007014663890004158 two objects are flying the object in the object object on the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.007972597144544125 0.005696541164070368 an object polar object swimming inside the object . 0.006829668302088976 the polar object is swimming below the object of the object . 0.009907592087984085 a polar object swimming under object in a object . 0.007326030172407627 a polar object swimming under the object at the object , 0.010103153996169567 a polar object with his object in the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.008411314338445663 0.00961627159267664 a couple objects flying objects on a object . 0.010685235261917114 a object of objects on a object flying some objects . 0.006805271841585636 objects are flying a red object in the object . 0.007694612722843885 a object of objects flying a object at the object . 0.007255180273205042 some objects on the object and object are flying objects 0.0 Average score: 0.008637051098048687 0.01171105820685625 a object of objects flying low over a object 0.010805025696754456 there are several objects flying above the object . 0.005340562667697668 a white object flying above the object 0.005494300741702318 two white and grey objects flying above a object of object . 0.009834308177232742 thethree objects are flying over the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.00868348814547062 0.008693831041455269 two objects coming down a object , one is skiing and the other is on a sled . 0.009732400067150593 object skiing down a object just beneath a object . 0.005706973373889923 a object skiing down a object object on objects 0.0082769226282835 a object skiing down a small object with the ski object running above his object . 0.01100731361657381 a object in ski object going down a small object . 0.0 Average score: 0.008739843964576721 0.007872295565903187 a small object object flying through a object object . 0.010156577453017235 an object is flying against a object object . 0.005555791314691305 an small object flying against gray objects background 0.01496436633169651 a single object object objects through the object object . 0.005150189157575369 a single object object object flying in the object on a object object . 0.0 Average score: 0.009153852704912424 0.007063775323331356 a object of objects flying objects over a sandy object . 0.007313781883567572 the objects on the object are flying objects over object 0.008130735717713833 a object of objects flying objects on the object . 0.010008400306105614 a object of objects flying objects on a object . 0.013252570293843746 a object of big objects flying over some object . 0.0 Average score: 0.009204043727368116 0.008250490762293339 a object that is flying some object of object 0.006331021431833506 a object in a object flying a object in the object 0.007816058583557606 a object flying a kite object with a object . 0.010470009408891201 a object is standing in a object flying a object . 0.01315263845026493 a object standing in a filed flying a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.009256565105170011 0.008487353101372719 an object is flying in the object with its object gear down . 0.014346136711537838 a object object taking off into the object . 0.006852894555777311 a blue object with a object flying through 0.006029482930898666 commercial object flying overhead on object with clear blue object . 0.010566958226263523 there is a large object that is flying low to the object 0.0 Average score: 0.010004357434809208 0.008900764398276806 a object that is flying through the object 0.006292710546404123 a object object flying through a gray object . 0.006497374270111322 a large object object flying in the object 0.01340420637279749 a british object object taking off into the object . 0.014926731586456299 a large object object taking off into the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.010679361969232559 0.022819776087999344 a small white object high up in the object . 0.008462230674922466 a object objects object flying through the object . 0.009008471854031086 an object object is flying high in the object . 0.006464136298745871 a small object flying through a blue object . 0.006642194930464029 a small object is flying in the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.010984364990144968 0.017072726041078568 a object of objects standing on a object flying a object . 0.014283853583037853 one object objects while the other flies a object . 0.006340228486806154 two objects flying a object in the object . 0.00951598770916462 two young objects flying a object on the object . 0.007709029130637646 two objects are flying a object on a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.01124707106500864 0.009132111445069313 an object object object flying in the object with landing gear down . 0.013240739703178406 a object taking off and flying in the object . 0.00891450047492981 a large object object flying through the object filled object . 0.01762857660651207 a canadian object with a big red object object is flying high . 0.007319427095353603 this is an object of an object object object flying . 0.0 Average score: 0.011712550465017558 0.011671257205307484 an object is soaring high in a object object . 0.015817219391465187 a jumbo object object object in object with object gear down . 0.007935396395623684 a large object is flying in the object . 0.01664150506258011 a object object in the object with landing gear deployed . 0.006497374270111322 a large object object flying in the object 0.0 Average score: 0.011883491091430188 0.006611148826777935 four object objects are flying in the object leaving object . 0.011223861016333103 four object flying in object . object objects are coming out of 3 of the object 0.021386153995990753 there are four objects that are flying in a organized object 0.009495776146650314 the four objects are flying through the object . 0.01070051547139883 four objects that are flying and turning in the object object . 0.0 Average score: 0.012582197971642017 0.009785525500774384 a young object flying a object at the object . 0.011855287477374077 a object on a object flying a object with other objects around . 0.01749781332910061 a object flies a object on a object . 0.010775206610560417 a object of objects standing on the object flying a object 0.0129971569404006 a object flies a object on the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.015792320482432842 0.016510063782334328 a object object flying above a object object in a object . 0.02820179983973503 a large object flying over a object of objects . 0.010042418725788593 a large object flying in the object over some objects . 0.004000479355454445 object and white object of a object object flying over a object object in a object . 0.020206840708851814 a object object filled with objects and a object flying over object . 0.0 Average score: 0.017120810505002738 0.01925055682659149 a object riding objects down a object covered object . 0.03572506085038185 a object skiing down a object between objects . 0.005489675793796778 a object is skiing down a ski object . 0.006058265455067158 object is skiing around a really sharp object . 0.019080493599176407 a object wearing ski object going down a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.01759952148422599 0.009491023607552052 a young object flying a object in a blue object with objects . 0.05230752006173134 a young object in a red object flies a object high in the object while a object in a t - shirt objects . 0.01248038187623024 two objects fly a object , looking upward . 0.006548524368554354 objects are flying a object in the object object . 0.007170157507061958 a object is flying a object with a blue object . 0.0 Average score: 0.024750028364360334 0.009755317121744156 a object that is flying in the object during the object . 0.004361315630376339 a white object that is flying in the object . 0.07777110487222672 a object of an object object about to land . 0.009795932099223137 object , with object ' s landing objects out , flying in the object 0.022066472098231316 the object has already taken off and in object . 0.0 Average score: 0.02890312597155571 0.004888872615993023 a single object out on the objects skiing 0.03691055253148079 a young object riding a object object down a object covered object . 0.02488243393599987 a object is completely surrounded by white object . 0.011837593279778957 a object rides a snowboard down a object object . 0.06599617749452591 a object riding a object down a snowy object . 0.0 Average score: 0.030311549827456475 0.004376176279038191 a object skiing down a object covered object 0.006603774148970842 a object skiing down a snowy object with another object and object . 0.005060096271336079 a object is skiing down a object object 0.13000109791755676 a object going down the snowy object at an object 0.005516604520380497 a object skiing down a object holding ski objects . 0.0 Average score: 0.033190122339874506 0.11124856024980545 a small object objects close to the object on the object . 0.009821737185120583 a small object is flying over the object of a object . 0.011343095451593399 a object flying over the object with a object in the object . 0.026332255452871323 a white object about to land on the object . 0.007204963359981775 an object flying low above a sandy object . 0.0 Average score: 0.03322055293247104 0.0067016249522566795 there is an object flying in the object . 0.1341480314731598 a large object object is silhouetted in the object . 0.011655246838927269 a large object flying high up in the object . 0.007097947411239147 a object is seen flying on a clear object . 0.006499913986772299 a large object flying in the object with four object objects . 0.0 Average score: 0.03624033099040389 0.008206936530768871 a object of two objects flying over a dirty object . 0.008680194616317749 there are some objects flying over a object 0.006363603752106428 two objects are flying over a sandy object . 0.006184426136314869 a object of the object with objects flying object 0.15176649391651154 four object objects in the object with a object in the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.0416996568441391 0.011617318727076054 an object objects through the object with its landing object extended . 0.1734357476234436 a white and blue object object in blue object . 0.007572032976895571 a jumbo object objects through the object object 0.007476428989320993 a smaller object object flying in the object . 0.008396755903959274 object in the object with landing object in object object 0.0 Average score: 0.041800836101174355 0.16922448575496674 two objects standing next to each other while flying a object . 0.01882331632077694 the object and object fly the kite object . 0.005564750637859106 two objects flying a object in the object together 0.006177914794534445 two objects flying a object in a object object . 0.009213712997734547 two objects fly a object together high in the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.043039923440665005 0.15740007162094116 a object riding a object on object of a object . 0.03658336400985718 a object riding the object at the object 0.0055217500776052475 a object is surfing in the object . 0.006332011427730322 a object surfing the objects in the object . 0.009362420067191124 a object that is surfing in some object 0.0 Average score: 0.04590804725885391 0.027966788038611412 a object with a small white object under a object . 0.021246973425149918 this object is clean but object is also very compact . 0.053997281938791275 a small object with a object through object . 0.10092398524284363 a very modern styled object with a object object object . 0.02540520764887333 a small modern object with a object , object , and object . 0.0 Average score: 0.04849616959691048 0.02020978182554245 there are objects snow boarding by a object . 0.06423335522413254 a object on a object in the object . 0.11934711784124374 a object on a object at a ski object . 0.025855695828795433 a object is trying to snowboard down a object . 0.012834897264838219 a object that is snowboarding in the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.04851376004517079 0.009284577332437038 a object of object objects are flying through the object . 0.006344384513795376 a object of objects are flying in the object 0.009726468473672867 a object of objects are flying through the object . 0.05699007958173752 several object objects follow a object object while flying . 0.16022329032421112 a military object fueling one of three objects in the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.04916841927915812 0.04765857383608818 a object riding a object on a object in the object . 0.10911492258310318 a object object on the object in the object 0.07424919307231903 a standing object objects through crystal clear object . 0.004771796986460686 a object surfing on a object long object in the object 0.0100476099178195 a young object is surfing on a blue object object . 0.0 Average score: 0.05009699109941721 0.00539194792509079 objects flying in partly cloudy objects near the object . 0.010212765075266361 a object of high flying objects sailing by the object . 0.00759041216224432 a object with objects and objects flying in the object . 0.010932196862995625 two objects flying high over a object by the object . 0.21635763347148895 two objects on a pretty object object by the object 0.0 Average score: 0.05176746165379882 0.006587646435946226 a object in the object flying a object . 0.2117668241262436 a object with a object plays in the object 0.01576332375407219 the object is flying his object while object is inside the object . 0.012359756976366043 a object standing in the object flying a object . 0.012359756976366043 a object standing in the object flying a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.0582778561860323 0.010369483381509781 a very large get liner flying in the object . 0.25856563448905945 there is object object object is object object object object 0.005758007522672415 an white object with object is flying overhead . 0.006741933058947325 this is the under object of an object flying in the object . 0.009954222477972507 a large object with a object on object , flying in the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.058632794115692374 0.10375458747148514 back object of a object walking through the object 0.004491517785936594 a black and white object of the object of a object . 0.0028279756661504507 object and white object of a object in grassy object . 0.17889416217803955 the object is walking away in the object . 0.003195727476850152 a black and white object of the back object of a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.059929042030125855 0.009270898997783661 several objects on the object flying their objects . 0.007262857165187597 some objects at the object and one is flying a object 0.008093872107565403 a object is flying a object out on the object 0.24703703820705414 a object flies a object over a object while objects watch . 0.027980543673038483 several objects are on an open object while a kite objects in the object and lightly cloudy object . 0.0 Average score: 0.0629854471422732 0.007776590995490551 a object and white single object object emitting object as object flies 0.008712327107787132 an object is flying in the object with objects behind object . 0.004556513857096434 a white and blue object object flying in the object . 0.1522243618965149 an object with one object has object ' s landing gear down and the objects object are painted on the object of the object . 0.14165744185447693 object is coming from underneath the small object and white object . 0.0 Average score: 0.06526442570611835 0.02534896694123745 a object object flies a large object on a beautiful object . 0.017144612967967987 a object flies a object on a large object object in a object , cloud - bedecked object . 0.009070131927728653 a object flying a object over a object object . 0.26758378744125366 a object on a object object on the object . 0.0071746292524039745 a object on the object flying a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.06652404079213739 0.019220411777496338 a object stands in the object and flies a huge object 0.27276912331581116 a object riding a object object holding a object 0.02526201494038105 object is sailing across a object of object . 0.006066155154258013 a object is kite surfing on the object . 0.009302498772740364 the object is para sailing on the object during the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.06666287174448371 0.1573498249053955 a object object in the object on a object . 0.006722829770296812 a object flying in the object while on a ski object . 0.014755375683307648 a object flies through the object in a object object 0.020009443163871765 a object jumping a snow object in the object 0.13447688519954681 a object is is the object over the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.06682194983586669 0.09344243258237839 a object of objects riding skis across a object covered forest . 0.1555633246898651 a object of object object objects make their object through the object . 0.004971844144165516 the object of objects is skiing in the object . 0.07550480216741562 three objects cross object object in the object . 0.004627345595508814 the objects cross object skiing through a very snowy object object . 0.0 Average score: 0.06761048659682274 0.007911238819360733 a snow object is in mid object over the object . 0.03610869497060776 a object performing a object above the object . 0.01678110659122467 a object is airborne as object does a object in a snowy object . 0.2062995433807373 objects doing objects in the object as object come down the object 0.07095184922218323 a objects on a object doing a object in the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.06907175770029425 0.005311653483659029 the object is skiing down the snow object . 0.24515652656555176 a object backpacking down a object of a object in the object . 0.0824638307094574 a object on some object in the object . 0.006773955188691616 a object with objects object is skiing down a object . 0.005652822554111481 a object skiing down a steep object object . 0.0 Average score: 0.06920053083449602 0.017421608790755272 a object object object passing across a hazy object object . 0.20883363485336304 the object of a large object in the object . 0.09801998734474182 an object in the object seen from below at object 0.006233096122741699 an object object flying in the object with a object object 0.015494327060878277 a object is taking off from the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.0711200550198555 0.1393086165189743 the object object shows a object in object ' s object . 0.015930384397506714 a tiled object object with a white object object 0.02455642819404602 an open object object with a white object . 0.1105501800775528 a object object with a object and a tiled object 0.06525466591119766 a object object with a object and the stall object open 0.0 Average score: 0.07651682179421186 0.008646850474178791 large object flying below the object from object 0.007884991355240345 a object that is flying in the object . 0.25618329644203186 a object object looking up at the object of an object . 0.10212624073028564 a large object with objects high up in the object . 0.007742729969322681 an object is flying high in the object object object . 0.0 Average score: 0.07914251647889614 0.1821039468050003 two young object objects are headed down a small object . 0.05218866840004921 two small objects on object with snow and objects in the object . 0.006194069981575012 objects skiing down a object with no objects 0.015415141358971596 two small objects ski down a snowy object lined object . 0.13981075584888458 a object of small objects riding skis down a object covered object . 1.0 Average score: 0.08245932050049305 0.018292728811502457 a object of objects flying objects while standing on a object . 0.23221446573734283 object of objects are milling about with many objects being flown object . 0.10342741757631302 a object of objects gather at the object to fly objects . 0.0375882126390934 a large object of objects are flying objects in a object . 0.02077377773821354 a large object of objects flying objects in a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.08256932515650987 0.15740007162094116 a object riding a object on object of a object . 0.00868726335465908 a object is surfing on a object while object is object . 0.06981762498617172 object riding white foaming object near object object . 0.006365823559463024 a object surfing objects in the object . 0.1705758422613144 a object siding a object object on a choppy object 0.0 Average score: 0.08359844665974378 0.15740007162094116 a object riding a object on object of a object . 0.11551102250814438 objects standing on objects on objects in the object . 0.12479928880929947 a object of objects on surf object ride the objects 0.007474798709154129 three objects surfing near the object in small objects . 0.01280705165117979 three objects riding objects on breaking ocean objects . 0.0 Average score: 0.08545803176239133 0.13257481157779694 a object on a object riding on a object 0.00647768285125494 a object surfing a object in the object . 0.004830214660614729 a object surfing on strong objects in the object 0.08971740305423737 a object on a object riding a object . 0.19369004666805267 object riding a object on a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.08583811512216925 0.15588389337062836 a object of objects standing on object of a object near the object . 0.0064498926512897015 a object with two objects flying a object . 0.035276200622320175 a object of objects walk along a object as a object flies through the object 0.22244472801685333 unable to see object in this particular object 0.009135860949754715 a nice object object with a object being flown . 0.0 Average score: 0.08644250677898527 0.006619931664317846 the object is flying by the blue object . 0.008649584837257862 objects are flying objects on the object during the object . 0.12586699426174164 object relaxing on a object object while other objects swim . 0.2686616778373718 a object is lounging on the object watching a object object through the object . 0.022414345294237137 object leaning forward in object on sandy object on clear object . 0.0 Average score: 0.08676422229036689 0.006858770735561848 a object flying through the object on a object covered object . 0.16609321534633636 a object wearing objects doing a object in the object . 0.06969558447599411 a object on object objects a object in the object 0.006627725902944803 a object skiing on a object object doing a object . 0.18454581499099731 a object is performing an advanced object on a object 0.0 Average score: 0.08676655460149049 0.009799636900424957 many objects in the object are flying their objects . 0.3884047567844391 a object of objects standing on object of a object object object . 0.015078759752213955 many objects are flying objects on a object . 0.013821435160934925 object is a beautiful object object for flying objects on the object 0.006728184409439564 objects flying objects on a object object under a clear object object . 0.0 Average score: 0.08735275138169526 0.015106921084225178 a white object sitting next to a object object . 0.1711886078119278 the object looks too big for the small object . 0.04780827835202217 a object with a object and sink inside of object 0.10828593373298645 a object has a object , object , and object in object . 0.09437401592731476 a white object and object in a green tiled object . 0.0 Average score: 0.0876757038757205 0.009420622140169144 object standing in waist high snow object alone . 0.01533189695328474 a object walking through the snow holding a object . 0.1547500491142273 a object wearing a back object object in the object 0.16529564559459686 a object standing alone in a object of object . 0.09358030557632446 a object sitting in the object with a snow object . 0.0 Average score: 0.08848012601956726 0.13690146803855896 a object wearing plaid object objects surfs a big object . 0.01629267819225788 a object on a object surfs a object . 0.005107381846755743 a object wearing a wet object object is surfing 0.22175472974777222 the object on the white object object is catching a big object . 0.062344372272491455 a object rides the object of a big object 0.0 Average score: 0.08858651435002685 0.01864699274301529 a white object object with tiled objects next to a object . 0.013967487029731274 a white tiled object without a object object . 0.006148249376565218 the shower object of a white tiled object 0.1955648809671402 this object has a object in object . 0.20860496163368225 a object that has a big object in the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.08904578126966953 0.15271657705307007 a object squatted on object in the object . 0.1204458475112915 a object on objects goes down a object object 0.01925055682659149 a object riding objects down a object covered object . 0.01820644922554493 a object in a ski object is on object racing down a object . 0.13460947573184967 a object on object going down a object on a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.09219340700656176 0.01589065045118332 a object with a object with a shower object suspended above object . 0.13229437172412872 a object has an overhead object object above the object object 0.06710530072450638 a whit object in a object next to a white object . 0.010446042753756046 a object with a white object and shower object object attached above , along with objects or toilet object on a object object . 0.23523066937923431 a object with a object a object and a object object 0.0 Average score: 0.09427170045673847 0.007631115615367889 three objects fly objects in the object object . 0.27605754137039185 three yak - 11 object objects show off at an object object . 0.1407780647277832 several objects are out in the object with objects behind object 0.027637217193841934 three small objects emitting object in the object 0.019254563376307487 three objects that are flying while leaving object behind object . 0.0 Average score: 0.0953145680949092 0.006756320595741272 a object in the object on a snow object 0.2677215337753296 a object that is jumping a object on a object 0.014236090704798698 a object is on a object on a snow object . 0.007951260544359684 a object on a snow object high in the object . 0.1799076348543167 a object grabs their object while jumping in the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.0960842927917838 0.16288438439369202 a small object seen through an open object showing pedestal object and a rust - stained object 0.19004276394844055 a object with a broken object full of brown object . 0.011921810917556286 there is a very dirty white object in a all white object object 0.04521588981151581 a nasty object with a object , object and a object . 0.07035661488771439 an empty object with a dirty object and object . 0.0 Average score: 0.09874230371788144 0.31120240688323975 a lucky object object in the object of a small object . 0.00501788267865777 object white object with a object , shower , and small object . 0.15162202715873718 a object with a object and object in object . 0.009633278474211693 a pristine white object object with a pedestal object , black and white object and a object at the far object 0.016235923394560814 a small , white object has a object object , a single object and a object with a object object . 0.0 Average score: 0.10050464672967792 0.002860100008547306 object of a object done in black and white object 0.46663355827331543 a object with some objects next to the object 0.012668712995946407 a white object is accented with black objects . 0.016647951677441597 a white object with a object , object and object . 0.003712910693138838 a black and white object with a pedestal object . 0.0 Average score: 0.10143093168735504 0.14640960097312927 object doing a object object with his object at the object 0.038976505398750305 a object goes airborne on a object while performing a object . 0.11263228952884674 a object is in the object while his skateboard objects beneath object . 0.08834532648324966 a object on a object object high in the object . 0.12079093605279922 a object in a object objects in the object above a object that is also in the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.10312075912952423 0.021504297852516174 a small object sailing on a large object of object . 0.015189876779913902 a small object sailing along in the open object 0.25151410698890686 a object by object in the object of the object 0.02727084793150425 the object object travels through a calm object . 0.20012466609477997 a object in the object of the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.10465306919068099 0.05929199606180191 male object in wet object successfully riding in splashy object . 0.15599799156188965 a object wearing a black object standing on a whit object . 0.28446829319000244 a object riding a object on object of a white object . 0.01414464507251978 a object on a surf object riding a object . 0.009362420067191124 a object that is surfing in some object 0.0 Average score: 0.10576018532738089 0.15698391199111938 a object catching a object on a short object . 0.11750471591949463 a object on a object is running on a object . 0.004840164911001921 a object surfing in the blue object . 0.20938082039356232 a object riding a object on a object . 0.04009131342172623 a object in the object rides a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.10634903740137816 0.07649589329957962 a object riding a object object in the object 0.16764673590660095 the object laying on the object in the object . 0.00508292019367218 a object surfing the objects in the object 0.00615763571113348 a object object object ocean is washed to the object 0.27636200189590454 the object is standing in the object with a blue object . 0.0 Average score: 0.10657391771674156 0.14190691709518433 a single object rides a nice 6 object with objects of object 0.04139036685228348 a object riding the object waves on a object 0.10046737641096115 a object is riding a object as object breaks . 0.20144635438919067 a object is riding a object on his object . 0.04765857383608818 a object riding a object on a object in the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.10714223682880401 0.15559548139572144 a object seems to be walking over frozen object 0.10758350789546967 a brown white and black object is walking 0.14419670403003693 a object walking on a thin object of object above object . 0.08029402792453766 a white object is walking along a shiny object . 0.048041462898254395 a object pads away from the object across a reflective object . 0.0 Average score: 0.10778779014945031 0.052355941385030746 a object doing a object up high in the object 0.0719832330942154 a object of the object in the object above the object . 0.10040616989135742 object performing a difficult object on the objects 0.07019896805286407 a object in an object object doing an aerial object 0.24399463832378387 object in red in mid object object twisting 0.0 Average score: 0.10820126198232174 0.34410741925239563 a object is holding on to a object object 0.06090668961405754 a object is standing on a snowy object in the object of the object . 0.0934462696313858 a object is being pulled down a snowy object . 0.029033208265900612 a object riding objects on a snowy object 0.01351272314786911 a object riding skis across a object covered forest . 0.0 Average score: 0.10840017469599843 0.007070303428918123 a object of objects skiing down a ski object . 0.23704390227794647 object of objects gathering to ski and snowboard on object of object . 0.18657618761062622 object of the object a ski object with many objects . 0.08011483401060104 objects standing at the object of a ski object while objects ski down in the object . 0.03119564615190029 various objects on the object covered object in skiing object . 0.0 Average score: 0.11128425505012274 0.01083423849195242 objects are flying above the object and a red object . 0.5020666122436523 a object of object objects over the object . 0.010240358300507069 a object of multicolored objects flying in the object 0.02031119354069233 a object of objects standing on a object flying objects . 0.012968872673809528 a object with several objects para sailing through a shallow object of object . 0.0 Average score: 0.11141242366284132 0.36837002635002136 a object using the object in the objects of the object 0.017091957852244377 a object standing on a object with objects flying over the object 0.1337064504623413 a object is watching objects get flown on the object . 0.015337822027504444 a object in swimming objects standing on the object watching objects para - sailing in the object 0.022555861622095108 a object is standing on the object of a object watching objects para - sail object . 0.0 Average score: 0.1121987554244697 0.4680156707763672 the object is making objects in the object with his object . 0.008586508221924305 a object cross object skis through the object . 0.04456993192434311 a object on object objects through the object 0.03477044403553009 a object object is traversing a snow object . 0.005051222164183855 a object skiing across an open , snowy object 0.0 Average score: 0.11333208978176117 0.02605850249528885 a small sad black and white object inside a microwave object . 0.08555808663368225 a little dog inside of a white object . 0.19489707052707672 a dog gets put in the small object 0.08140816539525986 a puppy stuck object of a white object . 0.17873862385749817 a object objects out from the object of a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.11411415338516236 0.1808505803346634 two objects look on as object fly a object 0.006851628888398409 two objects flying a object on object of a object . 0.006177914794534445 two objects flying a object in a object object . 0.012388544157147408 the object is flying high over the green object . 0.3643020987510681 a object of objects standing on object of a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.11481149215251207 0.05800831690430641 three objects standing outside in the object flying a object . 0.2218366116285324 a object of objects standing next to a light object flying a object . 0.007020736113190651 two objects are flying a object in the object . 0.007284748367965221 two objects flying a object in object while object ' s snowing . 0.2799070477485657 very object object object object , object object object object object 0.0 Average score: 0.11581242680549622 0.19632822275161743 a black object staring into the object in a object 0.06842176616191864 a black object with bright objects looks intently toward the object . 0.10300418734550476 a black object is laying on a object 0.11047694087028503 a object that is curled up and looking at object . 0.10083101689815521 a black object that is staring at object 0.0 Average score: 0.1185565810650587 0.08809428662061691 a object riding a object up a object in the object . 0.024781974032521248 object in a wet object does a 360 object on object of a object . 0.009420257061719894 a object in a black object surfs a object in the object . 0.18848450481891632 object riding his object on the object of a object . 0.28200188279151917 object aged object catching objects on a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.11924387942999601 0.009165014140307903 object is visible on a foggy object . 0.022218305617570877 a scenic object of a foggy object in object . 0.03215613216161728 a sky object of a object and the object in object 0.17907443642616272 a large object has a object leading into object . 0.3536055088043213 a large object with the object object object object next to object . 0.0 Average score: 0.12273971680551768 0.07615699619054794 object object riding large breaking object in open object . 0.30711689591407776 object is a object object object object of object object 0.011102945543825626 the object in the black and white object is on a huge object . 0.16775809228420258 a object rides a object on a object . 0.051563654094934464 a young object catching a object while surfing . 0.0 Average score: 0.12434419114142656 0.015913618728518486 a small object flying through a object object with object pouring out object ' s back . 0.20824739336967468 a object of an old object that has been object wit a object . 0.37672290205955505 a object object object with object coming from object . 0.010049844160676003 a small object flying high up in the object . 0.010787197388708591 a object that is flying in the object and and smoke coming from object . 0.0 Average score: 0.12454629326239228 0.0053830635733902454 a object is surfing a large object objects the object . 0.12713856995105743 a object in a wet object object over objects . 0.20938082039356232 a object riding a object on a object . 0.10830359160900116 a object is riding the objects on a object . 0.17252542078495026 a object in a black object object rides a small object in the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.12475347891449928 0.14969976246356964 object of a object with three objects and one object open with a object and objects on object , in bluish gray object with gray object object in object . 0.08814258128404617 a little object object speeding across the object 0.056250330060720444 a small object object objects across a clear object . 0.20739303529262543 a small object object object on a object of object . 0.12228168547153473 a small object object is shown in a clear object . 0.0 Average score: 0.12600001115351916 0.4879592955112457 an old object object next to a object . 0.011807950213551521 an object object flying near a object on a object 0.0620608851313591 a object on a landing object next to an object 0.008599198423326015 an old fashioned object of objects sitting in a object near an object object . 0.0595727264881134 a small object with a object under object 0.0 Average score: 0.1277895040810108 0.31132471561431885 four object object object in object , gaining object . 0.08617552369832993 an object objects into the pale object object . 0.005671574734151363 a large commercial object flying in the object . 0.008921218104660511 a object object is flying high in the object . 0.22685448825359344 a dark object taking object in a object object . 0.0 Average score: 0.12795429611578585 0.04765857383608818 a object riding a object on a object in the object . 0.15740007162094116 a object riding a object on object of a object . 0.005671687889844179 a object is surfing in the object with a object . 0.23377825319766998 a object is riding a object on a object . 0.19526289403438568 a object standing on a object on the object of a large object . 0.0 Average score: 0.12977155186235906 0.16775809228420258 a object rides a object on a object . 0.24327994883060455 object wearing a object riding on object of a object . 0.005103293340653181 a object is on a big object surfing on a white object . 0.005918933544307947 a object in a black object object surfing a object in the object . 0.22679749131202698 the object expertly crouches to finish the object . 0.0 Average score: 0.12984273433685303 0.03823696821928024 several objects are walking and skiing at the object of a object . 0.020040154457092285 some objects sky snow and many object objects 0.24383220076560974 a object of objects in the object on a object . 0.12087704986333847 a object of objects on objects ride on the object . 0.2262272983789444 objects and objects in the object at the object of a object . 0.0 Average score: 0.13005426889285446 0.07895229756832123 a object standing in a green object and flying a object . 0.008661365136504173 a object is flying a object in a large object . 0.006433290895074606 a object in a object flying a object 0.5339718461036682 a object playing with a object near a big object 0.02225254476070404 a object flying a object in a object in object of some objects . 0.0 Average score: 0.1301661512814462 0.00909283198416233 a object flying a object in a grassy object . 0.00879548117518425 two objects fly a kite very high on a clear object . 0.6204284429550171 object object controlled by two objects in green object . 0.0058508096262812614 two objects flying a object on a clear object 0.006663190666586161 two objects in a object are flying a object .