Week 8 (July 4 - July 8, 2022)

This week I experimented with reimplementing my distinct regions algorithm to use Euclidean color distance to measure color similarity of regions. The code is also reimplemented to compute mean region color from scratch, since we discovered in past weeks that the pymeanshift output floodfilled region colors can be a bit off. Unfortunately, the algorithm still performs poorly on black-and-white images. For example, below you can see that the black-and-white image requires a much stricter color similarity threshold for the algorithm to count the same number of distinct regions as it would for the RGB version of the image. In other words, it’s much easier for regions in black-and-white images to be counted as nondistinct. This is probably due to the fact that black-and-white pixel values can only range from 0-255 in a single channel (duplicated into 3 channels before counting distinct regions), whereas RGB images have three channels with independent values for each channel. Therefore, there’s much more room for color variation in a color image. For a black-and-white image like the zebra below, regions in the tree foliage and grass, for example, are much more easily considered to be similar size and color than in the RGB version.

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Week 7 (June 27 - July 1, 2022)

This week I finally flew to Rice and began in-person work. It has been nice exploring campus the past few days and meeting Professor Ordóñez-Román, Ziyan, and Veronica. Rice’s campus is very different from Columbia’s and very beautiful.

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Week 5 (June 13 - June 17, 2022)

I faced some personal and research-related challenges this week. Due to medical reasons, I had to postpone going to Rice in-person until later this month. On the plus side, I made significant progress on my project in the past few days.

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Week 4 (June 6 - June 10, 2022)

This week, I continued investigating automated measures of visual complexity. Two of the measures I used to rate the complexity of images from the SAVOIAS and MS-COCO datasets were feature congestion and number of regions (the latter calculated after segmenting images via mean-shifting).

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Week 1 (May 16-20, 2022)

This week, I met with Professor Ordóñez-Román to discuss possible projects for the summer and set up regular meeting times for every week. Right now we’re meeting twice per week online (plus communicating via email), but I’m looking forward to coming to Rice in June.

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